* First name * Last name * Email * What age are you?11-1314-1516-17This field is required. * What day(s) will you be attending?Tuesday (20/02/24)Wednesday (21/02/24)Thursday (22/02/24)This field is required. * What is your expected arrival time?The event runs from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm daily * Give us a song you'd like to hear playing at the eventWe'll give our DJ's a playlist for our visitors to listen to during the event * How did you hear about the event?Sun FMFacebookInstagramTik TokLinkedInWord of MouthDigital Screen (around the city)City VenueOther * Please specify This field is required. Please prove you aren't a Robot: As an anti-spam measure, please type the characters you see in the image (case sensitive). Please note that your personal data will be stored securely and used solely for the intended purpose. We will not share your details with any third parties without prior consent. Click here for our full privacy policy. Submit