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University of Sunderland

Henry Kippin

Henry Kippin

Chief Executive, North of Tyne Combined Authority

Dr Henry Kippin is the Chief Executive of the North of Tyne Combined Authority, responsible for its delivery programme spanning inclusive economic growth, skills, housing, public service innovation, net zero and devolution.  He is also interim Chief Executive of the North East Mayoral Combined Authority – which will be established in May 2024 following the signing of a new North East Devolution Deal. 

Henry was formerly an Executive Director at the West Midlands Combined Authority and prior to this held a number of roles in UK and international public policy, including CEO of Collaborate and managing the cross-party RSA Public Services Commission.

He is a trustee of the Young Foundation, a visiting professor at Newcastle University and was a visiting fellow of the UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence from 2013 – 2018.
